Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Writers Wednesday 5/17/06

A poem I wrote about ME after our time together back in '92.

Maybe Someday

Seeing him again was like a dream
Years lost between us brought back like magic
Reminiscing all day and into the night
Brought back many a feelings from long ago

My dream came true that week
New memories fro me to cherish
Crossing the border of friendship
Wanting so badly to be with him.

But not able to have him
Though we both feel the same way
Inquiring how it could be
But the distance would be too difficult.

We both agree it's bad timing
If only we lived in the same world
Longing for each other for years
Long distance relationships never work out.

Deciding to be just friends
Though we both want more
Maybe someday there will come a time
When we can fulfill our wants and desires for each other.

Maybe somedaywe will finally be able
To admit and show our love for each other.
I wish on the stars and moon that
Maybe Someday....

But until then, I'm satisfied with friendship,
For friendship is the most important thing possible,
Without his friendship
I'd be forever lost.

~ Brenda J. Branski

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