Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bible study blues

Last night I went to my Bible study's end-of-session party. I haven't seen these ladies in a social setting in a few weeks, so it was nice to fellowship, and of course, stuff my face full of yummy food. Can't have a social function without food! I ended up eating too much as always....will have to try to work that off today.

It's a little sad though since this wasn't just the end of the session, but seems to be the end of the group altogether. Our current leader has to step down due to personal reasons, and the other leader we have will be leading the "Leadership Institute" in the fall. So unless someone comes forward to lead the group, we won't be meeting any longer. I'm rather saddened by this news; this group means a lot to me. Not only do I need it for the accountability aspect and keeping myself in the Word, but it was the first group I joined when I was saved. I first heard the message at the Tea Party that was sponsored by the group. So it's close to my heart. I have thought about leading, but I don't feel I'm qualified enough to. I still have a lot of learning to do and growing to do in my faith and don't feel comfortable leading others quite yet.

It was a nice night though, and I even came home with a prize and chocolate :)


Michelle said...

There are many sides to the leadership issue. I'm one of those that shirks the role because I have problems speaking "publicly". On the flip side of the coin, if it is something you feel compelled to do, you won't be able to do it on your own. With God's help you will do a great job.Time spent in prayer and preparation could give you the answers. Good luck!

Cindy said...

Brenda, I'm sure you could do a great job as leader. If it's something you want to do, you should give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen? If things don't go as well as you'd like them to, you'll still learn from the experience and you'll still have the group that means so much to you.