Friday, May 26, 2006

It's my Birthday!

It's here. It's my birthday today. :D

I'm excited (I always love my birthday) yet I'm also sad. I just realized another year of my fertility is gone. Another year yet again I'm not pregnant.

So you may ask, what am I doing on my wonderful birthday? What type of exciting and fun things do I have going on? Absolutely NOTHING. I'm doing laundry (oh what fun) and cleaning (oh even more fun). I need to get the house in order for the party tomorrow. Tell me again why I decided to have everyone over the day after my birthday? What was I thinking? Oh yeah, I was thinking of how badly I want that ice cream cake that my mother refused to buy me. At least I get to stuff myself full of comfort food.

And of course, my darling dh, forgets it's my birthday. This morning he is just about to go running out the door to go to work and I had to remind him. His response: "oh yeah, it IS your birthday isn't it?" augh. I told him he better stop somewhere on the way home from work to get something.

At any rate, it's another year, another day. But it's MY special day darn it! I need to find something fun to do today.

Happy 31st Birthday to Me! :D


Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Brenda!!

Cindy said...


Anonymous said...

your a mother you don't have fun on your birthday. Mom

Anonymous said...

Good pictures