Monday, May 22, 2006

I know I know

I completely forgot about Flashback Friday this past week. It was a crazy week. I was gone all day Friday going to rummage sales. Yes, it's that time of year again! I hope to be out at least once a week shopping those sales! I bought a bunch of stuff on Friday too. I didn't get home until almost dinner time, and then Julie came over, so I had very little time on the computer. Maybe this week I will post 2 to make up for it!

Good news though..I got my car back finally. It's back to perfect running order again. (for now). Those squirrels better stay away if they know what is best for them!!

Been a busy weekend too...spent most of Sat. doing yard work, and yesterday was mainly just a lazy day at home, doing family stuff. I've been thinking of updating my blog, but I didn't have much to say.

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