Saturday, May 06, 2006

End of Auction

Tonight is the last night of the PBS auction for the year. Which is kinda good since I haven't done any writing all week! I've been lacking motivation and concentration!

I did pretty well though. My dad was nice and gave me money to bid on a gift certificate to a local restaurant. I won it! He offered to babysit so dh and I could go out for night on the town! I also got my pies I wanted!! I got a gift certificate to Elegant Farmer to get their famous Apple Pie back in a paper bag! YUM! I'm so happy I got that. There were a few other things I was looking at, but nothing I would cry over that I didn't get.

It was a good auction. I'm sad to see if over, yet I'm quite relieved since now I can finally continue on with my life! I think I just lost a week of my life!! haha

Ah well, until next year!


Michelle said...

Glad you won some stuff & the night out is great!! Tonight is our first night here. I hope I can keep from being glued to it!!

Cindy said...

That apple pie sounds strange, but I checked out the pictures and it looks so yummy! And have fun with your night on the town! You deserve it!

Mary said...

How fun, have a wonderful night out on the town!

MandaCakes said...

Congrats!!! Eat fattening food - calories don't count when the food is free!!