Monday, May 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Bob!

Today is dh's b-day! He is now officially in the thirty-something crowd. Finally he's catching up to me haha. Already gave him a card, but I will need to go to the store in a bit to get something else for him. He's always saying he doesn't want anything for his birthday, but I want to do something nice. He can be a sweetheart when he wants to be :)
Not doing anything else today though. He prefers to keep his birthday a quiet day. He doesn't like people fussing over him and making a big deal out of it. He did like it though when Ryan woke up. I tried to get Ryan to go up to him to say "happy Birthday". Instead of Ryan running up to daddy and saying it, he says in a very loud voice "It's daddy's birthday??" There went that surprise. Aaahhh, the joys of 3 yr old boys. LOL
We plan on drawing daddy a "birthday party" on Ryan's dry erase board today and if I get time I'll make cupcakes. Ryan wants candles too. HHmmm, whose birthday is this anyway?

Happy 30th Birthday!


Cindy said...

Happy 30th, Bob!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Son-In-Law