Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Had some fun this morning. I let everything go and turned on the radio and just danced. Had a great time, got some energy out, and showed Ryan a few moves! He's just so cute when he dances!! He gets his little arms moving, and shakes his little booty! LOL I was trying to teach him how to do some dance moves, like twirling in and out, some ballroom type of stuff. Probably a little too complicated for a 3 yr old! LOL But it was adorable seeing him try! He loved it too..."mommy, I want songs on! I want to turn!" He also likes it when I sing! haha I guess he's too young to realize how off key mommy is! LOL But for now, he loves it, and I'm eating it up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute!! It sounds like you guys had a great time! :)