Monday, February 27, 2006

Decisions, decisions

I hate making decisions. I'm one of those type of people that has to sit on something for a long time before making a decision, especially if it's an important one.

I have an opportuntity coming up in the next several months that could change part of my lifestyle. I don't want to share details yet, but it's a big decision. Nothing that needs to be decided upon right away, so at least I have some time to think about it. (No, it's not TTC related). But it's already on my mind and driving me nuts!!

I need to pray about it, find out what direction God wants me to go. I need to spend some time in prayer, and some time just thinking about it. Makes me think what do I want to do with my life?

Anyway, sorry this is so vague. Just something that is on my mind and wanted to get out, just don't want to share details yet.


Cindy said...

Well, I hope you find peace with your decision, whatever it is. I think as I get older, I'm realizing that the decisions we make don't matter nearly as much as what we make of where we are. Tough decisions have to made sometimes, but there is nothing to gain from looking back and doubting our choices.

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you Brenda! Just know that if you pray for God's will in your situation, you can be 100% comfortable with whatever you decide. Good luck & I hope it all works out for you. (((hugs)))