Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I got a +OPK yesterday!! woo hoo!! I'm so excited about it! Bob laughs at me and says he doesn't understand how someone can get so excited over a urine test! I'm just happy that I'm Oing at a decent day!! I'm on CD 16 and should be Oing today! Come on BFP! Now I just need to continue to convince Bob to BD and we should be home free!
I called my OB and she set up a blood test for me for next week. I need to get my progesterone taken again next week. If I O today I will be 6 DPO when I do the technically should be 7 DPO, but she said they want to do it 7 days after the first +OPK. I just hope the clomid is working just as good this cycle....I haven't felt really bad O pains like last month. Making me wonder if it's working in there. I sure hope so! I won't get the results of the test until Dec 12. Feels like forever from now.


Cindy said...

Yay! Congrats. Hey, and thanks for linking to my blogs.

Anonymous said...

Awesome Brenda! And it looks like you're timing that BD perfectly - keep it up, I'm rooting for you!

Anonymous said...

Temp jump looks beautiful!! Good Luck!!!