Tuesday, November 08, 2005

an oopsie!

Ok...so I was a complete moron!! I actually thought my presentation was yesterday. I had been telling people and pysching myself up for this since last week. Guess what....it wasn't!!!! And it was MY fault!!
I missed dinner with my family last night (dinners with family are important to me), made Bob come home early from work yesterday so I could go to the meeting. I drag all my stuff to the car, drive 15 minutes to get there, take all my stuff out of the car and into the place. Go up to the room...it's dark and locked. No one there. Ok. I'm thinking I must be early. I go back down to the lobby and sit there and wait for 5 minutes, getting upset. Did they cancel the meeting and not call me? What the heck is going on? I wait 5 more minutes, looking at some papers on a desk. I look at the date. I drop my mouth.......I just realized that the meeting wasn't that night......it was NEXT week!!! AUGGGGG!!! So now I feel incredibly stupid and embarrassed (there were a few people in the lobby probably wondering what I was doing sitting there by myself with a bunch of stuff I can barely carry). I drag all my stuff back to the car, get in, drive the 15 minutes back home, crying the whole way. Get home, Bob looks at me funny wondering why I'm home. He's just about to put Ryan to bed. I tell Bob the story and he bursts out in hysterical laughter, upsetting me even more. Now I'm just inferiated!

I really can't believe I mixed up the weeks. I don't think I'm meant to do this presentation. I'm about ready to just give it up!

I think the clomid has really messed up my emotions. I don't normally get that upset over something like this. Normally I would have said, yeah, that was stupid, and moved on. Or I would have told Bob "I was just really early (by a week!)." But not last night...I was literally so upset I was bawling so hard in the car I could barely drive. That is not like me at all. Even this morning I started crying when Ryan started singing "Go Diego Go" with the tv. What is wrong with me???

So that is a "oops that was stupid" moment from me. I feel better about it now...I can laugh about it now. But man was I upset last night!


Cindy said...

Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie! This presentation has caused you so many headaches! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Lots of hugs Brenda!! I think we all have those times!

Anonymous said...

Yes you were ;)

Love ya honey.