Monday, March 13, 2006

My weekend

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. That motivation thing....I'm still working on it. I'm still trying to get over this flu or whatever it is. It went from a horrible sore throat, chills, and aches, to stuffy nose, fatigue, slight cough, to now sore throat again and bad cough. augh. I feel like I'm never going to be back to 100% again. I hate being sick. Especially since I just don't have time to be sick! I'm a mommy, I'm not allowed to be sick!

I did manage to have some fun this weekend though. I went to my brother and SIL's house on Sat. to celebrate my dad's 65th birthday. I was slightly apprehensive at first, simply because you never know what to expect, and their house isn't child proofed. She's a big Disney buff, and she has many things that she collects. Ryan wouldn't understand that of course, so I was just worried about that. But in the end, it all turned out well and we even had a great time! Ryan, even without a nap, did really well. They had some games and toys for him, though I think he was more excited just about being in a different place and getting to hand out with Uncle Don, Aunt Candy, and Uncle Darrell. He had a blast!

It was also fun for me. I took some Dayquil that my mom gave me so after about an hour I was finally able to breathe. My family is huge into card playing, and they wanted to start a Texas Hold 'em tournament. So I figured I'd try it...wasn't too sure I would be able to concentrate with Ryan around and my head in a fog from illness and meds. Turns out though that Ryan was busy most of the afternoon with Aunt Candy or others that were "out" (let me tell you, it felt so good to have an hour fairly child free so I can enjoy some card playing!), and my head couldn't have been in too much of a fog since I won the first tournament!! I beat my brother Don! Too funny. I think he was shocked too! We ended up playing 3 more tournaments, Darrell won 2 and Bob and I were tied for the 3rd. Then we had a nice turkey dinner that both Don and my mom made. YUM! It was like Thanksgiving..turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, dinner rolls, green beans, cranberry sauce, date nut bread. It was good! Then of course, cake for dessert!
It was actually lots of fun.

I also got a USB drive this weekend!! I'm so excited about it! I can now finally save my data for my book I've been writing and not have to worry about it be lost somewhere. I can also now use either my computer or Bob's laptop to write. It also has some cool features on it, and Bob showed me how to organize things into folders. So cool! Now I just have to make sure I don't lose it since it's so small!!

Af showed this morning too. For the first time since TTC, I am not upset or disappointed. In fact, I'm rather indifferent. I'm still carrying the "whatever" attitude. It has now officially been 2 yrs of ttc.

I'm still working on the song. I'm close to having a 1st draft. I'm not liking parts of it, but I'm also my own worst critic. Who knows? Will update again soon!

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