Friday, March 24, 2006

Decisions on pictures

I'm so proud of myself! Ryan had his picture taken a few weeks ago for a Vintage Portrait. It was a fundraiser for my MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers). I wasn't planning on doing it, since I tend to go overboard on pictures (I LOVE pics!), but one of the ladies offered to purchase the ticket for me to do it. I figured why not? It would be fun. The problem....I would only get 1 8x10. Anything else I would have to pay for, and mind you, the prices are NOT cheap. The smallest package size, which includes 6 sheets plus a portfolio of color pics, is $100! Are you kidding me??!! That is so pricey, and we can't afford to spend that much on pictures. *sigh* no matter how much I like them.

Anyway, Ryan rarely ever takes a bad picture, so I knew it was going to be hard to pick one out. Last night was the appointment to pick out the picture. I went preparing myself for it. I almost didn't take my money with me, just so I couldn't pay if I was tempted! But I had to go to the store afterwards, so that wouldn't work.

But I lucked out! I was so proud of myself for it. I walked out with just the one free 8x10!! woo hoo! Luckily for me, I didn't like all the pictures. Many of them his smile was not very genuine...he tends to smile too big when he knows he's supposed to smile. And with the black and white film, his teeth seemed to stand out too much. At any rate, I narrowed it down to just 3 pictures. I normally like the smiley, full body type of pics, especially since he was wearing the really cute vintage knickers and all. But I surprised myself and went for the serious close up pose. But it's so adorable!

Anyway, I will take a picture of it and post it. I don't have a scanner so a pic of a pic will have to do! LOL

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