Friday, March 03, 2006

I've got connections baby....

LOL I'm in a weird mood today, just to forewarn you!! haha

As the title says, I do have connections! A really exciting thing happened to me yesterday! woohoo!

So I'm writing this deal quite a bit with the music industry, of course, something I know absolutely NOTHING about. When I started this 2 months ago I didn't even know the difference between a producer and a manager!! I've done quite a bit of research of course, and I found a contact about a month ago thanks to a mom on SM (simply moms) whose husband is/was a bassist in a rock band. I asked him a bunch of questions from a band member's point of view. Of course, I still don't feel I know much about the industry.

Well, a few weeks ago I joined the yahoo group for Michael. (*sigh*). I never anticipated on actually getting to know anyone there. The other groups I have been in for celebrities or bands have not been very positive experiences. But this group is definitely the exception. The people I have met there have been so friendly, down to earth, amazing really. Not to mention Michael pops on once in a while with an update. :D

So anyway, my novel requires me to write a song. I'm so not looking forward to that. I have been struggling with it for quite some time. I have absolutely NO music ability whatsoever, nor do I even know how to read music much less write it. So this has been difficult. Thinking some more professional, experienced people could give me pointers, I posted a question on the yahoo group about it and ask for tips on how to write a song.

A man who was a childhood friend of Michael's and is currently a producer offered his phone number and said he'd be happy to collaborate on this. HOLY CATS! I just about fell out of my chair! Talk about such a friendly, wonderful group of people!! I'm just flabbergasted at it! So now I need to get up the nerve to actually call him! woohoo!!

I'm so proud of myself. I went from not knowing a darn thing about the music industry to havingf several connections now! woohoo! Now all I need is to actually go to LA (Los Angeles) to get the settings down! I don't think that will happen though because the funds just aren't there to take a trip across the country right now. But at least I got the music industry covered! I'm just so excited! Maybe I can even make a career of writing songs! Maybe someday someone famous will be singing a song I wrote! Better yet if I sang it myself! LOL Ok...getting way ahead of myself now. Back down to earth now.

Anyway, just had to share since I'm so excited about it! I'm also about half done writing the book. Yay!!!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Wow, that is exciting! Good luck!