Thursday, October 27, 2005

Presentation and other things....

It has been a crazy week and I haven't had much of an opportunity to post anything.

My presentation went....well, it didn't! I was a little peeved actually because I got there, lugging my 2 huge poster boards full of pics plus a large bag of stuff as "show and tells" (in which the handles on the bag broke), in the rain no less! The lady asked me what all that stuff was for and then she realized oh yeah, your presentation! She said we had a special guest speaker that night and wouldn't have time for the presentation, would it be ok if I did it at the next meeting? aug. A phone call letting me know ahead of time would have been appreciated. But oh goes on. So now I have more time to rethink, prepare, and get nervous again. At least it gives me more time to go through some old stuff I've been meaning to go through for ages now.

I took my last clomid pill last night and all is good! Not bad..only had some very slight hot flashes (if you can call it was just enough to make me kick off a blanket). Today I'm having some slight cramping on my left side...hoping that's the follicles growing! I'm hoping I O from my left side this month, since that is my "good" side!

I talked to my childhood best friend yesterday. I was reading some old letters she had written to me way back in Jr. High. Made me think about her so I gave her a call. I haven't talked to her in about 6 months. She seems to be doing well...busy as always...working 2 jobs with combined hours of about 60-70 hours! She works way too much! But she enjoys it, so I guess I can't complain. It would be nice to see her one of these days....hopefully soon.

Speaking of looking at old letters...I have a huge container in the basement storage of old letters from my high school and college days. So I started rummaging through them. Oh boy does it take me back. I'm reading some of these and wondering what were we thinking? It was good to read...taking me back to those days.
I sure do wish though that I had been better about keeping in touch. There are so many letters I received during my first year in college (when I went away to school) from my friends back home, and I don't think I talk to any of them anymore. It's so sad. I wish I had kept in touch. Now I would feel almost silly or desperate if I went and tried to find them. There was a few in particular I'm wondering what on Earth made me not stay in touch with? Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't gone off to school and stayed home with my friends? I know I changed a lot during college years. But I try not to think of things that way....since I will never know. Plus, if I hadn't gone off to college, I'm not too sure I would be married to Bob, and I certainly wouldn't have met my current best friend, since we met my sophomore year in college.

At any rate, this is where things are right now. I'm too involved in reminincing about old times. Time to start obsessing about ttc again! LOL I guess it's one or the other! ha ha


Cindy said...

Ah, memories... :)

Anonymous said...

How horrible that they didn't call you to let you know about the guest speaker!
