Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Writer's Wednesday 4/26/06

Here is a small excerpt from my book that I'm currently writing. It's just a narrative with no action or dialogue (I don't want to give much away yet!). Enjoy!

The crowd roared as the band stepped on stage. Becky stood backstage, a full view of both the band and the crowd. They started out with a crowd favorite. She watched Michael as he played his guitar, a smile on his lips that lit up his whole face. She watched the way his eyes danced. She admired how he still loved what he was doing, that he had the energy and passion on stage as he played.
As she watched the band play, memories flooded her mind. She remembered so many days of watching him from backstage, being his private cheerleader, his biggest fan. For a while, she was on tour with him. She would stand backstage, always cheering him on whenever he looked her way. She always got a shiver when watching his hands slide across the keyboard, or hearing his breath through the harmonica, or his fingers strumming the guitar. She was amazed by how many talents he had.
She felt that way now, as she was standing there, 10 yrs later, feeling like it was yesterday. A smile parted on her lips, her hands thumping against her leg, her body swaying to the music. She felt herself singing along with the words, like she was 19 again. It seemed like so long ago, yet it was like no time had passed at all.
Her heart danced when he looked her way and give her a wink. It was something he always did for her, as a sign that he knew she was there and he appreciated her cheering him on. Her face overcame with excitement, joining in the crowd’s applause. He put on a great show, both for the crowd and for her.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

keep going! :)