Sunday, April 09, 2006

Boogie Nights

Last weekend Bob, Ryan, and I all went to Bob's cousin's wedding. It was the first time we took Ryan to a wedding (other than Julie's when he was a year old...but he was pretty easy maintenence back then LOL). It was--interesting. He was reallly good until about dinner time...when we had some issues. I won't go into those at the moment though.

Anyway, it's a good thing I had him practicing at home all those days with dancing. He had so much fun dancing at the reception! He didn't dance like normal 3 yr olds...who normally just run around the floor or jump up and down. Instead he danced just like an adult does! It was the cutest thing. He loved dancing so much, he would have a tantrum every time we had to leave the dance floor for slow songs or the bouquet toss. We ended up leaving at 9pm (an hour and a half past his bedtime mind you) because he just was getting too tired. But he had a great time!

Here is a pic of Ryan and I dancing...sorry you get the back of me! LOL

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Here is a pic of me ready for the wedding. I rarely wear make it's one of my better pics I guess! haha

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Cindy said...

Looks like he was boogying the night away! And you look very pretty. :)

Michelle said...

It's so much fun to get dressed up!!! HOpe you had a really good time!