Friday, April 28, 2006

Rummage Sales!

It's that time of year already!! Yay!

Yesterday Ryan and I went to my parents' house and then we all went rummage sale-ing all morning! woo hoo!! We actually went all the way out to Muskego because they had a huge 40 house subdivision sale. And I got to see my brother there too since he lives there. Great bonus! Ryan did great...just like last year. He loves going to rummage sales--yes, we are training him early!! haha He would find the toys at each sale and just sit there playing with them. There was one sale where they didn't have any toys and he wanted to leave because there wasn't any.

I have a feeling it will be trend this summer....we will probably be going every week!

Oh, and I didn't do too bad as far as purchasing things. I got Ryan 3 short sleeve shirts, a pair of jeans, a Blues Clues backpack, a stuffed cat, and a package of cookies. Gee, how did Ryan make out in all this and I didn't get anything??

It was fun. Poor Ryan was so wiped out though that he fell asleep in the car on the way back home from my parents. He woke up when we got home and was pretty cranky the rest of the night. Guess we have to ease into it! LOL


Cindy said...

Oh I love garage/yard/rummage saling! :)

MandaCakes said...

I HEART garage sales!