Monday, January 16, 2006


I haven't updated my blog in a few days! Sometimes it just gets away from me I guess!!

First off, I've started my dose of clomid yesterday! woo hoo! Let's hope the 4th time is a charm! I also talked to my OB's RN today. She told me my 7 DPO progesterone results were 151!!! Holy progesterone baby! That's even higher than the first month I was on clomid. So now why am I not pg? Let's hope the supplement along with clomid works. But great news...because my levels have been so high the last 3 months, I won't have to do another blood test this month! woo hoo!!! I'm so happy about that since I have been worried about the cost! God sure is Good!!! Now I just need good BD timing and I'm all set! Come on BFP!

Ryan's potty training is going well! 2 weeks now and he's pretty much trained! He now tells me he has to go without any prompting from me! We still have issues with #2....he's scared to do in the potty. But we are working on that. I promised him McDonald's if he goes!! LOL So far it hasn't worked though. The last few nights he has even woken up dry! I'm so proud of him! He's growing up so quickly! He's already asking me to take him to school. oh boy!

My novel is coming along nicely! I have most of the master storyline all set...all the major stuff anyway. I'm in the middle of doing the most boring stuff though...the research! I need to research the cities and hotels and locations I will be using. ick. I've always hated research. I'd rather just sit down and write already! LOL BTW- if anyone has ever been to Los Angeles let me know!! I've never been there and can't afford to take a trip there just to do research, so if you've been in LA before or have had anything to do with the music industry, leave me a messege! I need all the help I can get! I'd like it to look as realistic as possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am always so impressed by your prog results!! I hope the 4th time is the charm for you. :) Glad your novel is coming along nicely!