Thursday, January 05, 2006

Potty training update

Ryan is taking to it VERY well! Much better than I had expected! We had some issues the first day of course. He had 3 accidents in the morning. He would sit on the potty, but then wouldn't do anything and then pee his pants later. But the afternoon he turned a corner! He figured out that it's best to pee in the potty then in his pants! He's been doing it since! I set the oven timer for 45 minutes, and when it goes off it's potty time. He just loves it, and goes better when I set the timer. LOL I think I've created a Pavlov dog!! haha Now I've extended the time to an hour to an hour and a half, as I've noticed he doesn't seem to have to go that often.
Our second day he had 2 accidents the whole day...and both those weren't his fault. The first one was during his nap. The second one was during a time out. He got so upset he peed himself.
Today is our 3rd day and so far so good. He wet the bed though, but that was with a diaper on! He's doing good so far. We did the positive reinforcement technique. I make it fun for him to be on the potty...we sing a song, read a book, look at stickers. When he goes, I make a big deal out it. I clap and exclaim horray for Ryan and give him a big hug. He loves all the attention. Then he gets to pick out a sticker to put on his potty chart, and a sticker he can wear too. After 5 stickers on his chart he gets a present. It's working great so far! I'm glad I waited until he was over 3 to do this. I tried last summer when he was 2 1/2, but he wasn't too interested then. He fought me every step of the way. This seems to much easier than I expected!

Great job Ryan!!! Mommy is so proud of you!


Cindy said...

Go, Ryan! That's great.

Anonymous said...

That's great Brenda!! I have funny visions though of you using the kitchen timer while baking something, and poor Ryan running to the bathroom when it dings... LOLOL Glad it's going so well for you!