Saturday, January 07, 2006


My novel is coming along nicely!! I'm so excited about it! My best friend Julie has been collaborating with me on it. We have come up with some great ideas for it. I told her I can share my byline with her, but she said no. She would prefer for me to just thank her in the acknowledgements instead.
I'm really pysched up about this. I had written 10 pages about 2 weeks ago, but now I need to scrap that and start over. We changed directions! I'm writing out character sketches and scene cards and everything. Very exciting!!

On the TTC front, I'm 9 DPO and barely even noticed I was in the 2ww. Between writing my novel, being sick, and potty training, I haven't had much time to really think about ttc. It's been kinda nice. Feels good to be stress free for once. If I'm not pg though I'm sure the stress will start up again after af is gone.

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