Tuesday, August 15, 2006

On Writing

I am still writing my book. It's a slower process now...as I'm not writing as frequently as I had been previously. I used to get several chapters (scenes) done in a week. Now I'm down to about a chapter (scene) every 1-2 weeks! But I'm still plugging away at it. I'm bound and determined to finish the first draft by the time the baby arrives, knowing there's no way I'm going to get anything done afterwards!
I'm doing well with it though...I'm about 3/4 done with the first draft. Not bad!

What does get me motivated is watching tv shows that deal with the subject I write about. Such as Rock Star: Supernova. I always seem to be motivated to write on Tues and Wed. And at the end of Aug a new show on Fox will be starting with celebrities learning how to sing. Should be interesting.

Anyway, just a small update about my book. It's getting there. :) I have not abandoned it!

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Yes! write, write, write because I was gonna really get back into my writing once David was born and he became such a full time baby--clingy, demanding, energetic--that I have only written about one full short story in almost 7 years!!!!! So hard to find the time, let alone the motivation. I want too. I try. I get depressed about it. And then I let it go for awhile.

So write Brenda, write as much as you can!