Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Feeling Hot Hot Hot

We are in the middle of a heat wave!! It has been incredibly warm for about a week now. The past 2 days were so hot that I wouldn't even let Ryan play in the pool. It actually hurts to breathe when outside. I know I said I wanted warm weather, but this is ridiculous!
We are supposed to get some storms tomorrow evening, bringing with it a cool front. So hopefully by Thursday it will be cool enough to at least step outside again!


MandaCakes said...

Here's to cooler weather! **raises glass of ice tea**
By the way, HUGEST CONRATULATIONS on your new little one! Best wishes and prayers to you and your growing family! **sending love your way**

Brenda said...

Thanks so much Mandacakes. ((Hugs)) Sending prayers right back at ya...I've BTDT and know how it feels. Hoping things get better for you soon.