Sunday, May 06, 2007

The world of technology

Technology is an amazing thing. The amount of ways we can communicate, stay connected, learn, and do things is practically limitless. I'm still amazed at it all...and it keeps growing each day.

Way back in the day (back in high school and the first few college years) I was so opposed to growing technology. I didn't want a computer. I only used one to type up papers and didn't see the use for it for anything else. I was unwilling to learn and determined to not change my ways.

Then I met Bob. His interest in computers made me see that they really aren't such bad things. He showed me how to use email, how to type up papers and use spell check (couldn't live without that!!), how to play games, and to look up things online. I really got into it when he introduced me to chat rooms. Who knew I'd have so much fun chatting with other women about my favorite soap opera? Soon, I was so into the computer, no one could get me off of it!

I now am so connected, I barely recognize who I was before. Now I have my own blog(s), read others, go to several message boards, look stuff up constantly, writing my book on Microsoft Office (2003)....and the list goes on and on. We even have a digital camera and all my pictures are on the 'puter.

Where, you ask, am I going with this?

I have been a member of a parenting message board for 3 years now. I have come to know many of these women very well....I even consider them friends, though we've never met. I rely on their friendship, advice, and support more than probably my own real life friends. I know so much about these women, as they know so much about me.

Two weeks ago I finally got to meet one of my "online" friends. We have talked via IM, email, and eventually, phone, but have never actually met in person. She lives about 3 hours from me and happened to be coming this way to take her child to the Children's Hospital for some tests (her child is ok.....just needed some testing). Since I'm realitively close by, we decided to meet for lunch before her appointment.

I had such a blast! It was so wonderful to finally meet her and see her in person as opposed to just pictures on the screen and a voice on the phone. We have helped each other through some very difficult times in our lives (we both have gone through PPD) and it was just amazing to be able to spend some time together. We are in the process of making some plans for the summer to get together.

I look back now and think what a blessing technology has been for me. It gave me support and friendship when I had PPD and when I had a m/c, it gave me information when I was TTC, it has given me a way to stay connected to people all around the world, and it has given me friends I never would have known otherwise. What a world we live in!

Here is a few pics from our meeting! To the left is Colleen and her baby Alyssa (who is only a week older than Kyle) and to the right is me and Kyle.
Here is a group picture without the hubbys.....they didn't want their pic taken. From left to right: Alia (Colleen's 2 yr old), Ryan (my 4 yr old), Colleen, Alyssa, me, Kyle.


Shawna said...

That is wonderful, Brenda!!! Glad you got to have a real life meeting :-)

And I was and am very much like you with how technology evolved for me and in my life. Amazing, isn'y it!

And you both look awesome btw...for just having had babies!!!!

Cindy said...

How fun! Glad you had a good time!

and rudeness said...

That's awesome! It's fun to meet people and then get to meet meet them in real life!!

Shawna said...

PS I tagged you wuth a Meme LOL