Friday, May 18, 2007

GTKY questions

I love doing these! Thought I would share.

My childhood dream was to: Were you able to fulfill this?

My dream when I was young was to be a gymnast. My idol growing up was Nadia Comaneci. I wanted to be just like her. I was in gymastics until I turned 13. Then I had to quit because I wasn't ready for competitions or anything and it was costing too much money. But I had (and still do) the body type for it....I'm thin and petite!

When I am waking up each morning, I am looking forward to:

warm weather! Just the chance to be outside or let Ryan play outside is wonderful. It breaks up the day and gives Ryan a chance to get out his energy.

The person I most admire is: Why?

I most admire my friend Lisa. She has an amazing faith in Christ. She has been through some really difficult times yet her faith remained strong and stable. She has 3 children under the age of 5 and has survived breast cancer. (She was diagnosed with cancer when she was in her third trimester of pregnancy with her last child). I most admire her for her faith.

If I could travel anywhere in the entire world I'd go to: What would you do there?

I would go to Venice, Austria. I would see the Mozart museum and where he lived. I love Mozart and have always been interested in his life and work. I'd love to go there.

The best book I ever read was: Why did it hold your attention?

The most obvious answer of course is the Bible. But other than that one, I'd say my favorite is Redemption by Karen Kingsbury. It was the first Christian book I ever read and it held my attention because it wasn't what I thought a "typical" Christian book would be like. It's about a Christian family that goes through trials and tribulations and how it affects their faith. It's the first book in the Redemption series.

What is one way you'd like to grow spiritually in the following year?

I'd like to get in the habit of reading my Bible everyday. Having regular prayer and reading time. Unfortunately with little ones I don't get much of a chance to read and study and pray quietly. It's rather sporadic currently...but I would really like to get back to reading and studying every day.

My closest friend would describe me as most like:
a. Oscar the grouch (majorly melancholy)
b. Big Bird (naive but extremely friendly)
c. Grover (well intended but not very tactful)
d. Cookie Monster ( fixated on the good stuff)
e. Elmo (curious beyond compare)

I'd say I'm most like B. Though I'm not quite as naive as I used to be, but I am extremely friendly.

If I had one day without responsibilities or interruptions, I'd:

Write!!! I would definitely write my book. I haven't touched it since Kyle was born...and I really miss writing.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Very interesting, Brenda!