Wednesday, March 28, 2007

If you don't like the weather, wait 2 minutes!

What is up with this weather we are having? I think the world is going to come to an end.

So on Sunday it was in the 70's and Monday it got up to 80. Tuesday it started out at 65 and then in 5 minutes time it plummeted to 42!!! A 40 degree difference in 2 days! I had left the house on Tuesday and didn't even bring a coat or anything, thinking it was pretty warm out. Silly me should have realized I live in Wisconsin....if you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes and it will change.

But I took advantage of the great weather. Sunday as a family we went for a walk and went to the park. It was great to get out and I know Ryan had a blast at the park. It was great to get his energy out in the outdoors, and boy did he sleep good that night too! When we got back home I took an extra walk with the stroller so that I could get some extra excercise.

Monday the kids and I spent almost all day outside. Another walk, the park, and lots of time just playing in the yard. It felt so good to be in the sunshine and fresh felt like summer. I really can't wait for the nice weather to stick around. It did wonders for my mood!

And now we are back to cold weather and lots of rain again. ick. At least we had fun while it lasted.

1 comment:

and rudeness said...

Yeah no kidding. It was so great the beginning of the week and now it feels like winter again.

Bubba keeps begging to go outside and it makes me so sad. Poor thing just wants to ride her bike and play in the dirt.

Hopefully soon...