Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Remember the book I was once writing? I'm still attempting to write it. I WANT to write it. Unfortunately I haven't had any time as of recent to write.
Which is sad since I'm almost done with the first draft. I only have a few more chapters left to write and I'm done with the whole first draft.

I really miss writing. It is my outlet. It is my "me" time. It's my escape from reality. I actually ache to write again. It's like this need I have that I can't meet.

I know eventually I will get time to get back to it again. Right now since I'm up several times a night I'd much rather sleep when I can. Give it about another month or two and things hopefully will settle down a bit so I can get my "me" time again. I want to get back to my characters and try to publish this thing. I have ideas for more books too.

Just wanted to let you know how the progress of my book is coming along. Obviously not very. LOL But I will get back to it...I promise!!


Allison said...

I hope you're able to get back to it soon... I know how much you enjoy it, and I can't wait for you to get it published so we can read it too! :)

Shawna said...

(((HUGS))) I have been saying the same thing for 7 years now LOL David is just not an entertain yourself kind of kid **sigh**

Anonymous said...

You'll finish it, I know you will.

I've found that blogging has been that release for me, and a chance to work on my writing skills, LOL. Which my boss has even noticed a change in!