Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The never ending day

Ever have a day where you just wish you hadn't gotten out of bed? Or that you can use the same rules as children's games and have a "do-over"? Maybe just skip the day altogether?

Yep...that was today.

We had a snowstorm last night....well, not really a snowstorm....more like a "disturbance" as the news called it. I seriously think these meteorologists need to learn their correct terminology...or explain it to us laymen because apparently a "storm" means schools, businesses, and pretty much most of the town is closed for only an inch or two of snow, while a "disturbance" means nothing is closed, the plows aren't out, the roads are crappy and it's about 10 inches of snow. Hhhmm. Something wrong with this picture.

At any rate, the snow started around rush hour last night. Perfect time. Good thing I don't go anywhere. Oh yeah.....go figure, it was the one night I'm able to go out for the Women's Christmas banquet at church. So I go (since I paid $14 for the ticket.....darn it I paid the money I'm going to go)....and the normal 15 minute drive took me 45 minutes doing on average 30 mph in a 55 zone. Once there it was was a beautiful banquet with good food and incredible entertainment. Then I had to drive all the way back home again, in the lovely snow.

Now fast forward to this morning. Bob gets up to snowblow and afterwards as we watch tv he decides he isn't going to go in to work. His normal hour commute was averaging about 2.5 hours. Good idea to stay home. However, there was no word of Ryan's preschool being canceled. So we head out and I make it 2 miles and decide to turn back. It was still snowing really hard and the roads were horrible. It took me 45 minutes to make the 4 mile round trip. Ryan was very upset that he missed his class today, but I'd much rather have him miss a day of school than risk our lives to get there.

I think snowdays were invented to punish us parents. Ryan was just off the wall today. He had such a difficult time listening and obeying today, I just wanted to scream. Time after time all day long I would tell him to stop doing something and 2 seconds later he's doing it again. Sometimes I feel like I am talking to walls.
Kyle was also in a mood today. Not sure if maybe he felt the tension or if he didn't want his brother to be alone in the punishments, but he was getting into literally everything he wasn't supposed to, and then getting cranky when I would redirect him. He seems to have this fascination with the DVD player currently. He makes a bee line for it every time....I say no and redirect, and yep, 2 seconds later he's back at it again. Must learn from his brother.

The hardest part of the day was trying to act like Bob wasn't home all day when in fact he was sitting in my chair most of the day. He technically was working from home since he can remote in and make phone calls and all that jazz. But it's pretty difficult for the kids and I to accept that he's here but not here. Especially when I have Ryan in a time out (who was not even being good in his time out), Kyle crying in his high chair because I'm not feeding him fast enough, attempting to make dinner, plus I had to pee like nobody's business! And my hubby, whom I love more than life itself, was just sitting there typing happily away on his laptop. I know it's not his fault....just bothers me when I am struggling and could use an extra hand (or three).

So after an early dinner tonight I get Ryan ready to take him to Awana. I left Kyle with Bob and we were off. Luckily the roads were much better...made the trip just about right on time and the main roads were perfectly clear. Once we get there, I don't see ANY cars in the parking lot. Not a good sign. I called my friend whose children are also in Awana and she tells me it's canceled tonight. Wait...what? No one bothered to call me to inform me so I wouldn't have to make a 15-20 minute drive to church when I didn't have to. She apologized and said she thought the leaders were calling everyone. Apparently not. *sigh* So I break the news to Ryan, who is just as upset as he was about not going to preschool, and cries the whole way home. Get home and not only is Ryan upset, but Kyle is extremely cranky. Get both ready for bed. Watch about a half hour of tv to get everyone somewhat calmed down. Ryan went to bed at 7 (an hour early......thank you!!!!!) and Kyle about 7:10.

Ahhh. Now the house is quiet. I'm drinking some hot chocolate, in my jammies, and catching up on some internet stuff and hopefully will get to editing my book tonight. I need to unwind.

And more to come. We are supposed to get another 6 inches of snow tomorrow night. At least Ryan doesn't have school on Friday so that won't be as much of a problem.

oy. I love my kids, but somedays.............


Cindy said...

Ugh, what a day. We didn't get as much snow here as you, I'm sure, but it still made everything more difficult here too.

I hope your hot chocolate was wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous of your snow! I wish it were snowing here. It is 85 degrees right now......ok don't throw anything at me, trust me it isn't a good thing! lol

I miss chatting with you so I am going to make a huge effort to come here and check on you weekly!

Loved the card! Your boys are jsut to big