Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I figure it's about time I get off my butt and actually write a post. I can't even use "I'm busy" as much of an excuse, since I find time to work on my book and to visit other people's blogs. I guess I just don't know what to write about. That's rather funny considering I'm a writer.


Kyle is almost 10 months old. Time is going so fast. He is getting so good at pulling up and cruising along furniture. He now holds on with just one hand, and yesterday he actually stood on his own for about 2 seconds. It won't be long before he'll be walking.

Ryan loves school and is doing great. I'm amazed at how smart he is...I think he's going to be a math wizard. He's already doing simple math in his head. The kid is sometimes too smart for his own good.

We had a nice Thanksgiving. We spent it at my parents house watching the Packer game. The Pack won! They are awesome this year.

I'm typing from my new Christmas present........my early one. Hubby gave me a laptop for Christmas this year! woo hoo!! I'm so excited....and I love it! It's your basic one.....no big bells and whistles. I don't need anything extravagant....all I mainly use it for is internet and writing. Now I don't have to freeze in the basement anymore while on the computer! I can sit on my nice comfy couch.

If I think of something exciting to say, I'll post more often! Right now I think I'm just in a slump of some sort. Though reading other's blogs has been encouraging for me.


Cindy said...

Glad to hear that all is well in your world. And how fun about the new laptop!

Aerten said...

Visiting from that's my answer... and getting a new laptop! WAY cool!!