Friday, April 27, 2007

My trip to the ER

I haven't posted in a while....and here's why!! As you can tell from the subject, I had to make a trip to the ER. Not for myself, but with Kyle.

My mom had the kids on Sunday and kept them overnight and I picked them up on Monday. (a whole different post....Bob and I actually had a date night!!). My mom said Kyle slept for 8 hours that night (highly unusual...he's done 6 before, but never more). Also all day on Monday he was really fussy....the only time he wasn't crying was when he was sleeping, and the only time he slept was in someone's arms. He was just not a happy camper.
My first instinct is to take his temp. Go figure, this was the one time I didn't pack it in the bag (normally I pack 50 bazillion things so I end up taking way too much stuff and about 10 trips from the car to the house). My mom had an old fashioned one that I didn't even know how to read. According to that one, his temp was 100.2. Not quite high enough to call the dr, but enough of a concern for me.

I ran out to the store to buy Tylenol (yes, because silly me didn't pack that this one time either!). About a half hour later he settled down and was somewhat happy.

After dinner I packed up the kids (and stuff) and headed home. I told Bob all about Kyle's fussiness and symptoms. Then I had to run out since I had my MOPS meeting (mommy time!!!!). Normally I take Kyle with me (a room full of ladies...oh yeah, Kyle gets lots of attention!) but with the fussiness and fever, I didn't want to take him out.

I came home at 9:30pm and Bob was feeding Kyle. He told me to take over because he wanted to call the nurse hotline. He had been sleeping the whole time I was gone, and his temp was 101.3.

The nurse said to take him to the hospital. So there I go, at 10pm, taking Kyle to the ER. Bob stayed home with Ryan since Ryan was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up unless it was absolutely necessarily. (Ryan with little sleep is a nightmare to deal with).

What did I do at the ER? Mainly.......wait. A whole lot of waiting. Go to triage. Go back out to waiting room. Wait. Talk to nurse. Wait for about 45 minutes for the doctor. Talk to dr. Wait. Run tests. Wait. Talk to dr again. Wait. More tests. Wait. Finally get released.
I was in the stinkin' ER until 2:30am! For what? For them to tell me it's "just a virus". ggggrrr. Grant it, I'm very very happy and relieved there is nothing wrong with my baby. However, to spend 4 hours in the middle of the night in the ER for them to tell me it's just a virus and they can't do anything, it really ticked me off. I finally went to bed at 3:30am and was up again at 7am. blah.

They did an RSV and flu test, they did chest x-rays, and a urine sample. All negative. They gave him Tylenol and waited to see if his temp went down. It did. Thankfully. They said to just give him Tylenol and watch him closely for a few days. And call my ped and make a follow up appt.

Then go figure, Kyle's fever has broken since Tuesday. Tuesday the highest his temp was 99.6. The last two days it's been normal. And he's been less fussy and back to his normal self....besides a few sneezes or coughs here and there. So the dr said it wasn't necessary to come in right away....we have an appt for Monday.

I think my kids are competing to see who can be in the ER the longest before they hit 3 months. Ryan still wins that one....unless Kyle opts to make me run to the ER again before Tuesday. (another post sometime but basically Ryan had emergency surgery when he was 9 weeks old).

Never boring with boys!!


Cindy said...

Wow, scary! I'm glad he's doing ok now!

and rudeness said...

Good to hear that everything turned out fine! It is so scary when they get fevers!

I feel your 4 hours in the ER pain! When we went with Bubba a couple weeks ago, she made me hold her the ENTIRE time and my arms were sore for a week!!

Shawna said...

There is nothing scarier than when they are so little and you have no idea what is or could be wrong! I am glad be is feeling better, Brenda...hopefully it stays that way and the bug doesn't get passed around!