Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday questions

These are from Friday Fun.

1. Do you believe net friends can be as close as real life friends?
You bet. I'm very close to some of my online friends. In fact, I think I may be closer to some of them than I am to my friends IRL. I'm actually going to meet up with one of my online friends this week!

2. Do you have a best friend? Or several?
I guess technically I have several best friends. I have my best friend from childhood...we aren't really "best" friends anymore but we are still close. I have my best friend from high school, and my best friend from college.

3. Are you still close to those you went to high school with?
Just a few people. Not very many.

4. Do you believe a man and a woman can truly be just friends?
yes I do. I have a few friends that are male and I have no inclination of wanting more. I don't feel it's a problem at all.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Very interesting!

And have frommeeting your inernet friend :-)