Thursday, April 05, 2007

Kyle's 2 month appt

Kyle is now 2 months old! Hard to believe. Time is a going fast!

He is doing great! He is now 9 lbs 11 oz!! My little chunker!! LOL He eats so well....4 oz every 3-4 hours! He is officially in size 1 diapers now and wearing 0-3 months size clothes. I know that sounds small....but when he started off in preemie diapers and clothes, this is a step up! He is just over the 5th percentile, which is great! He started off in the he is growing!

He got 4 shots, so he's been pretty fussy the last few days. Poor thing. And he gets more in 2 more months.

He smiles now and sometimes coos. He LOVES laying on the floor...probably because he can kick and move freely.

Here is a pic of him at 2 months!


Cindy said...

Oh, he's beautiful!

and rudeness said...

His little outfit looks so cute!

I am glad that he is growing well and having fun. I hope that you are getting some good sleep. When you can. :)