Thursday, February 15, 2007

Kyle's 2 week appt

It went great! He is doing wonderful!He weighed in at 5 lbs 15 1/2 ounces...just shy of 6 lbs!!! God is so great!! I think he's going to do great with weight gain. He eats so well and the dr said that I'm obviously doing something right if he's gained so much weight! His jaundice is completely gone and he's right on target for everything. He was alert during the appt too. (and hungry! LOL I fed him in the exam room after the appt)He asked how Ryan is doing and told me to expect regression. Which I have partially seen....he's very clingy and can't play on his own anymore. It's going to be rough next week I think.He also asked how I'm doing....and said if I start feeling the affects of PPD to call him and let him know if I need meds. But I'm doing ok right now. So all is good! His next appt is at one month (which is only 2 weeks away LOL)


Cindy said...

I'm glad all is well!

and rudeness said...

YEAH! Thats really good weight gain. And in two weeks!

I think at every doctors appointment for a year I had to breastfed Bubba. Sometimes twice.

Keep it up Kyle!

And I hope that Ryan starts to come around a little better. Its a rough transition... I remember when my sister came home, we are 5 years apart, and it was difficult. But we are best friends now!