Monday, November 27, 2006

Christmas decorations

This weekend we put up our Christmas decorations. On Saturday we did the inside of the house (the tree and other decorations). Yesterday we did the outside of the house.

Here's my pet peeve.

We worked hard to make the yard look nice. We don't go overboard, but we have some nice things: a neon Christmas tree, lit candy canes, a wreath on the door, a lit wreath on the deck, and garland around the deck. Nothing too fancy, but still nice.

So why does someone have to come and wreck it? It really irks me.

Last year we had a nice lit reindeer that moved it's head up and down and it's feet so it had an appearance like it was flying. Some vandals knocked it over and destroyed it.

Now our lit tree was only up for LESS than 24 hours and this morning we found it laying on the ground, broken.

It really irks me that other people feel that have to destroy other's property just to get a kick out of things. I know we live on a corner, but still, what's wrong with the world today that people can't leave other's things alone?

So anyway, I'm going to the store to see if I can find something else to put up. If that gets destroyed, we'll just have to end putting up nice things for now. How sad is that.

Ah well, Christmas shall still live on...with our without our outside decorations!


Cindy said...

Oh, that stinks! Some people just don't know how to be civilized!

Shawna said...

Brenda, I hate to sya it but it is probably some smart-alec kids. I can't imagine adults doing that and if it is adults than I just don't know what to say!

Do you the decoartion lit up all night or do you turn then of at a certain time???

I'm sorry hun, I know I would be heartbroken each year if it were my takes time and dediction to get everything up and how you like it...and poor Ryan must not understand why someone would hurt his things like that!

and rudeness said...

How freaking annoying! I am sorry that you had to fall victim to that!!

Todays world... no manners, no discipline, no love.

**Hands you a bandaid for the Christmas tree.**

Anonymous said...

That's so horrible. I am so sorry Brenda.

I remember doing such awful things when I was younger. Now I feel really bad for it.