Monday, September 18, 2006

Neglecting again

Yes I know. I have been neglecting my blog...yet again. Sometimes it's hard to find time, other times I just don't feel like writing. Nothing too interesting to write about lately, unless you really care to hear about my potty training woes. (he's initially potty trained...just having issues with #2).

I really need to find time and motivation to keep up though!! I know many are daily I suppose I should find something to write about for you!

You can always kick me in the butt if you need to.....if I happen to go too long without any new posts!!


and rudeness said...

Well maybe a little kick... gotta be careful about that baby!! :)

Glad you are back!

Shawna said...

It's hard sometimes to make it a daily you noted--life isn't always that interesting LOL I used to find that reading often inspired a thought or idea in me and then my writing could flow from there.