Sunday, January 13, 2008

We're in trouble now!

Kyle took his first step on Friday by himself, but it was just once so I really didn't think much of it.


Today Kyle started walking. on his own. 4 steps at a time before he crashes down. Without holding on.

Yep. I'm in trouble.

Ryan was a late walker. He didn't start walking until 14 months. I remember it was just before Christmas.
So 11.5 months is early for me!

I expected it though. Kyle is a go-go-go baby. He doesn't like to sit still at all and loves to stand and move around as much as possible. You can imagine what he's like during diaper changes!

Time to get my running shoes on. I'm in for a marathon!!


Cindy said...

Good luck keeping up with your little on-the-go boy!

Shawna said...

He has a big brother to keep up with LOL He will be doing everything a bit might want to invest in sneaker stocks :-)