Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Women of Faith

This Thursday I am leaving to go to St. Paul MN to attend the Women of Faith conference! I'm so excited about this! It will be my first time attending and I just can't wait!

I'm going with a group of women from church. We are taking two vans and driving up there, stopping at Devil's Lake, WI on the way there. On Friday we will be shopping at Mall of America (yay!), eating at Bubba Gumps, (which I watched Forrest Gump on Sunday to freshen up on that) then the conference starts Friday evening. Back to the hotel to relax a bit, then attend the conference all day Sat. Sunday we head home.

I have been truly blessed to be able to go. All my expenses have been paid for by a scholorship at church! All I have to pay for is my meals and anything extra I want to buy. Plus my pg is going so well I have been cleared by my dr to go!

I'm really looking forward to this. I need some time away and some time to just renew my faith and love for Christ.

The only thing that worries me is I have never been away from Ryan for longer than 24 hours! I think by the end of the 4 days I will go crazy! Daddy will be watching him, though I'm trying to convince him to let grandma and grandpa watch him for a day. We shall see. Hubby can be kinda stubborn sometimes!

I will post all about it when I get back!


Cindy said...

Oh, it'll be so great for you to get away! Enjoy it!

Shawna said...

That is wonderful, Brenda! I know I am responding late but just let me say kudos to you for taking this time. I know how hard it is to squeeze something in for ourselves when we have a child to think about--you made it work so I really hope that you enjoyed the trip, that Ryan grew stronger knowing moomy can go away and does come back, and that Bob developed an even greater appreciation of what all it is you do as the moter in the family!