Monday, February 03, 2014

Day 10 #100daysofhappiness

Today's item came as a big surprise. I spent the morning dropping the kids off at school, then got a 3.5 mile run in, showered, and had just started laundry when I received a phone call from the school. I never know who's going to call me, considering Ryan tends to be pretty forgetful!
It was the secretary, asking if I was available to come in and sub the special ed class. The teacher wasn't feeling well and was going home. If it's between laundry and cleaning, or making money by teaching, well, kind of an easy choice!
The day actually went really fast and was pretty easy. The afternoons are easy going. And it really helps to have an assistant in the class that knows what's going on.

So my day 10 is my very first paid subbing job. :)

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