Friday, August 05, 2011

On Writing....

So if I want to keep up this blog, I'm going to have to get a bit more creative. My life is least in terms of interesting and exciting things to talk about IMO at least. Sure I can discuss what I do all day, such as make snacks and lunch for the kids, break up fights, reprimand Kyle for testing the boundaries, more snacks, break up more fights between the boys, make dinner, walk the dog, sit down and watch my soap opera. I could discuss plot lines of my soap :) lol My days are very busy, but unless you are a stay at home mom, I don't consider them "exciting' or very "entertaining" to discuss. I'm just an ordinary, every day midwest mom.

Anyway, I need to get more creative. So I figure I can use this not only to share the fun and exciting things in my life, but also to share some of what I'm truly passionate about--writing. I LOVE to write. Ever since I can remember I've always loved the written word, writing it and reading it. I've written poems, stories, and have even written a full novel. I've done NaNoWriMo twice, once actually winning it. I will be taking a writing class later this month via online. Writing is my passion.

I may not post things I have written such as poems and/or stories (due to copywrite...I don't want my stuff stolen!) but I have found a few sites with journaling topics I can use to help start off when I don't know what to write about. I'm actually pretty excited about it!

on to a new chapter in the writing process..... Stay tuned!!

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