His 18 month check up is on Monday. In my opinion he's hitting all the typical milestones. They only thing he's not doing is talking.
I know it's normal for a second child to have delayed speech, especially if the older one is a talker. But Kyle doesn't say anything. Not even no. or dada. or mama. nothing.
He definitely gets his point across by pointing, groaning, moaning, running over to what he wants, etc.
I'm trying not to be too concerned as once they start talking, I've learned they never stop!! Well see what the dr says on Monday.
Next week is a family week....Bob is on vacation and we will be going to State Fair, Betty Brinn Children's musuem, and all kinds of fun stuff in between. Should be fun!
Happy year and a half Kyle! :)
18 months already?! He's such a big kid!
I'm glad I popped over from "That's My Answer" -- what cute photo!
He's so cute! What chubby cheeks and a perfect smile for the camera. :)
They grow up way to fast don't they. I love the pic :-)
Brenda, I'm going through the same thing with my 20-month old. Back in May we started the process for Early Intervention to start him on speech therapy, per recommendation from his pediatrician. Well, it's now August and Q is just now having his first therapy session. But you know what, during that time we wanted for the state to get through all their paperwork and delays, his vocabulary has really picked up! I'm not saying he's at the level he should be at yet- but it's definitely improved on it's own. We were told to go to a website called Talking With Toddlers. We did, and we've used the tips to encourage Q to speak more. He also was communicating through gestures and grunts, etc. The site explains that sometimes, if a toddler's needs are all being met, he/she has no reason to have to learn to communicate. And sometimes, it takes kids a little longer for their vocabulary to explode. Plus I hear boys are slower at learning to talk anyway. I wouldn't worry too much. Talk to your pediatrician. Our ped told us back in May that it might be too early to be too concerned, but he referred us to our state's Early Intervention program anyway, because as he said- it's better to start early than wait too long. Q was evaluated by a speech language pathologist who qualified him for services. The child has to be at least 25% delayed in two categories and Q barely made the cut. Good luck and keep talking to your son using simple two to three word sentences, always explaining what you're doing and eventually he will learn to copy you more and more.
Wow! Look at that smile!
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