Monday, October 29, 2007

We got a crawler!

Look out, now I'm in trouble. Kyle is now crawling. Like real crawling. Not just move arm here, move leg there, army crawl, but a real, full blown, going-to-go-get-what-I-want crawl. Crawling with intention and movitation.
It started last week. He finally went from the dry humping to hey-I-can-actually-move-my-arm-off-the-ground. But didn't get anywhere. Then he started going backwards. Yes, my child crawled backwards before he went forward. (just like me actually). Then after a few days he finally realized he could use his legs for something. Little by little he started to move.
Last happened. He spotted a toy in the kitchen from where he was lying in the family room. He decided he wanted it, and went after it. Step by step, little hands and legs moving, slowly, but still moving with intent. And the words out of my mouth: "Oh my gosh he's mobile!" Guess I'm going to have to put up that gate by the stairs now. Darn.
So now life as I knew it is over. I can no longer leave my little one on the floor in the living room while I run downstairs to grab laundry. Now I need to make sure the house is child proof. And oh the stuff he will get into!!! yikes!
So when I'm not blogging or reading others' blogs....I'll be chasing after the crawl machine!! LOL


Anonymous said...

I'm here with you... Good luck chasing your little one! Our Little Dude is just beginning to be VERY interested in cabinets and drawers, too. Looks like it is time to completely babyproof the house. (Found your blog on "That's my answer!)

Michelle said...

Enjoy it while he's just crawling!!! lol