Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Where does the time go?

Has it really been that long since I last posted? augh.

Time has been escaping me. I'm becoming horrible at time management as of recent. I have so many things I want to do, but it seems to continue slipping away from me. I find myself doing many other mundane tasks instead. Like last night for instance. After the kids went to bed, I cleaned the rat cage (it desperately needed cleaning had been over a month...ick), cleaned up the kitchen, and when I finally sat down, it was already 9pm. I had planned on doing some writing/working on my book (which I haven't touched since I went to MN last month), but with it being 9pm already, it seemed to late. I like to have a large block of time to work on it. Many times I get into my groove and then it's time to quit.
So I watched my soap instead and dilly dallied online. excuse for the soap's getting GOOD! Gosh I'm so addicted, it's sad. LOL But really....some really good storylines are in play right now and I can't wait to see how they end up!
As for the online thing....I've just been obsessed with myspace as of recent. It's been a wonderful place for me lately. I've come in contact with quite a few of my old high school friends that I lost touch with. I found Monica (an old friend) whom has been helping me with my book, and Sandy whom I think God put in my path because of what she's going through. I love myspace! LOL

Anyway, EVENTUALLY (I know I say this all the time) I will get back to writing my book (I'm hoping to tonight or sometime this week) and will make some actual posts here. I've lost quite a few readers here. It was an average of 10 readers a it's 3. blah.

Now that things have calmed down a bit....I will try to post about some of the things I have been doing (trip to MN, GW concert, rummage sale, the kids). It's a matter of time management!!


ShannonW said...

Hi :) I am Shannon...just visiting you from a link I found at "That's My Answer".

Time does go fast...I really wish I could slow it down.

Sandy said...

SO, I totally left a comment on this entry a few days's not here! Stupid Blogger!

Mary said...

I so understand the time management issue. It seems like I never have enough time to do all the things that need to be done.